Saturday, August 14, 2010

Fruit For The Dragon Salad

Went to the Saturday Market and bought some fresh organically grown kale, called Dragon’s Tongue (Lacinata) from Persephone’s Organic Farm. This heirloom variety is recognizable by its elongated, dark blue-green leaves and pebbly texture, hence the name dinosaur or dragon tongue. It was chewy, and not bitter when eaten fresh.

1 C Kale, ripped to bite size pieces
1 plum, chopped
1 clementine orange, peeled and chopped
1 peach, chopped
50 blueberries
6 cherries, pitted and halved
11 black seedless grapes, halved
1 apricot, chopped
2 Tbs. oil & vinegar dressing (Safeway Select)
Toss all ingredients and serve.

Rated a 4.3 on the Kale Scale.