Sunday, July 28, 2013

Kale Kasha

Another day for solar cooking! It wasn't that hot today, and it was partly cloudy. But, it worked!  Salmon filet, corn on the cob, and kasha also known as buckwheat groats.

I used 1/4 cup of the dry kasha (Wolff's brand) and I added 1/2 cup water, which seemed to get absorbed or disappear. So I added more water, probably 1 cup total. Once cooked, it looked a bit like oatmeal.  I didn't use an egg, which is something recommended by Wolff's. I was unsure how the egg would do cooking in the sun.

I cut the kernels off the corn, mixed it with the cooked kasha, and 1 cup of Kale that I steamed. I added couple of tomatoes before I ate, and topped with yogurt. All in all, I'd have to try Kasha in a couple of ways before I'd put it down as a favorite.  It definitely has possibilities.

Here is what I put in a container, and then solar cooked for couple hours:

1/4 cup Kasha or buckwheat groats
1 cup water
1/4 cup onion, chopped up
1 tsp capers

Once done, combine with:

Kernels cut from 1 ear of cooked corn on the cob

1 cup, Kale, ripped to bite size, and steamed for 90 seconds
10 grape tomatoes, halved

Serve with:

1 tsp worcestershire sauce
1/4 cup non-fat plain greek style yogurt

Rated a 4.3 on the Kale Scale.