Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Savory Fruited Kale

The savory combined with the fruit actually worked pretty well. The wine pumped the apricot bits, the dates disappeared into the midst of veggies. The good news - 22g protien and 16g fiber. The bad news: 700 calories! Hmmm... maybe I'm adding too many things to the Kale, and I have to pare it down. Besides dropping the almonds and oil.

1-2 T almonds, toasted
½ t. lemon juice
1 T olive dipping oil
2 eggs, of which beat together 1 egg and 1 egg white. Toss the 2nd yolk.
1 t ground pepper
2 t olive oil
¼ C onion, chopped
1/3 C red cabbage, chopped
1 huge radish, sliced
4 grape tomatoes, cut in half
½ red pear, chopped
3 dried apricots, cut up
2 dates, cut up
1 dried fig, cut up
1 t. of Mrs Dash
1 C stuffed with Kale leaves ripped up to bite size
2 t. fresh cilantro leaves, cut up (really, about 6-7 stems from which the leaves were cut up)
¼ C white wine

• Toast almonds, dry. And spritz with lemon juice at the end. Set aside.
• Scramble the beaten egg whites/yolk in the olive dipping oil (gives extra flavor from the herbs/vinegar/oil). Add pepper to the eggs. As the eggs harden up, use spatula to cut up in to small pieces.
• Saute the onion in olive oil.
• Add, and continue sauté red cabbage and radish.
• Add, and continue sauté tomatoes
• Add pear, apricots, dates, fig and continue sauté
• Add Mrs Dash, stir.
• Add Kale and cilantro, and the white wine.
• Cover, simmer until kale is wilted to your desire.
• Serve with toasted almonds on top.

Rated a 4 on Kale Scale.