Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Garbanzo Kale

2 T sliced almonds, toasted
Spritz, lemon juice
½ tsp butter, divided
2 egg whites, scrambled and chopped to bits
Ground pepper, to taste
Mrs Dash, to taste
Turmeric, ¼ tsp
¼ C onion, chopped.
2 cloves garlic, minced
¼ C red cabbage, chopped
½ C canned garbanzo beans
1 small orange, peel and chopped
5 grape tomatoes, halved
65 grams Kale leaves, ripped to bite size pieces
1.5 oz white wine

  • Toast almonds, dry. And spritz with lemon juice at the end. Set aside.
  • Scramble the egg whites ¼ tsp butter. Add pepper, Mrs Dash and tumeric to the eggs. As the eggs harden up, use spatula to cut up in to small pieces.
  • Saute the onion in ¼ tsp butter.
  • Follow quickly adding red cabbage and garbanzo beans, continue to saute.
  • Add, and continue sauté tomatoes and orange.
  • Add Kale, and the white wine.
  • Cover, simmer until kale is wilted to your desire.
  • Serve with toasted almonds on top.

Considering the caloric intake from yesterday’s recipe (Savory Fruited Kale), I got out my measuring spoons and scale and tried to scale back (no pun intended). The garbanzos were nicely soft, verging on mushable. The orange added a nice hint of sweet that paired well with the vegetables, including the kale. I measured the kale because it was more than a cup, but I couldn’t put it back after ripped and preserved for a day, already.

Rated a 3.9 on the Kale Scale