- 1 T. sunflower seeds, toasted
- 1-2 t. lime juice
Toast the almonds and sunflower seeds while you prepare the veggies. Once toasted to your desire, remove from heat and squirt with lime juice. Stir. Set aside.
- 3 collard leaves, main vein cut out, roll leaf and slice.
Steam the collard leaves without lid (prevent browning), 5-7 minutes. While steaming, continue to prep veggies.
- 3 kale leaves, ripped into bite size pieces, set aside.
- 1/2 C. onion
- 2-3 cloves garlic, minced
- 1/4 C. savoy cabbage, chopped up
- 2-3 florets of broccoli, cut up
- 2 T Lemon Basil Basalmic Vinegar Olive Dipping Oil (Word Market)
- 2 T white wine or 1/4 cup.
Saute the onion and garlic in the olive dipping oil. Add and saute cabbage and broccoli.
- 1-2 chicken tenders (brest pieces or one small breast), already cooked, and slice for this recipe.
Add chicken to the sauted onion, garlic, cabbage and broccoli.
Add the steamed collards and continue to saute. Stir things up.
Add the kale, and the white wine. Reduce heat to simmer. Cover with lid. Wilt the kale to your satisfaction. Remove lid.
Serve and top with the toasted almonds and sunflower seeds.
Kale Scale Rating: 3.5 (The dish was fine; tasty. The chicken added protien.)