As the grocery clerk said to me as I was buying a bunch of kale, "Do you eat that?!"
Kale, a green vegetable, that is good for you, good for your bones. I so don't like the idea of eating 'greens', but I want to do right by my bones, that I decided to keep track of the various ways I am learning to prepare kale.
In one book I read recently, The Whole Food Guide To Strong Bones, I was heartened when the author said you only need 1 cup of greens per day. Only 1 cup - even I can do that!
But, I've found when you rip up 3 kale leaves for salad, and add some pear, strawberries and avocado, this is more than 1 cup of food. And it's really pretty filling.
I'm cooking for one. Some parameters I keep within to avoid exciting the sugar receptors in my taste buds: no added sugar. Be it sugar, honey, agave nectar, molasses, maple syrup, and so forth. Fruit, that I cut up and add to a recipe is fine with me. Also, no sweetner - I am not out to fool my taste buds and try to eat sweet things. These are my choices. Don't have to be yours.
Kale June 8
- 3 collard leaves, stripped of stem; rolled and cut in strips.
- 3 kale leaves, stripped of stem; ripped up and rinsed.
- 1/2 onion, cut up.
- 1/2 orange, peeled, cut in cubes
- 1/4 cup corn kernals
- 1 T chopped olives
- 2-3 T sliced almonds and a toss of sesame seeds
- dash lemon juice
-- 1/4 c liquid - wine, water, juice, beer, anything.
-- Steam collard leaves for 6-8 minutes. Lid off to keep them green.
-- While steaming those greens, brown the almonds and sesame seeds in fry pan (I use non-stick, no oil). At the end through in a dash of lemon juice. Set aside when done.
-- Brown the onion (ok use butter or oil now); almost carmelize.
-- Add orange, corn, olives to the onion, stir around.
-- Add collard leaves and kale leaves.
-- Add the liquid, put a lid on, turn temp to mid-low.
-- After 5 minutes, check and if the greens are wilted enough for you, then stop cooking; if not, keep going.
-- Once greens are wilted to your desire, stir up the greens, onion and orange.
-- Plate the greens mixture and top with toasted almonds and sesame seeds.