The half and half is still good, so why waste it? That was the initial thought about what to do with the kale tonight. Thus the following mixture. It was good. Might have been better had I steamed the kale and served the concoction on top, but instead, I put the kale in the saute and wilted it that way. But, still it was good, edible, and tasty.
First of all, packing a cup of kale. This is what it looks like to rip up 3 huge leaves for a cup - and packing it like you would pack brown sugar. Actually measures out to about 1.15 to 1.25 cups, but if you squish and take out the air, it's a stout cup of kale. For nutrition count, I usually factor it as 1.15 cups.
Tonight, the kale was served as a side dish to baked salmon.
2 tsp olive oil
1/4 cup onion, chopped
1 tsp garlic, minced
1/2 tsp pepper, ground
1/4 tsp ras el hanout spice mix
Add and continue saute:
8 grape tomatoes, halved
7 green pitted olives, halved (castleverano)
3 dates, pitted and chopped up
Stir in, lower heat, simmer:

1 oz half and half, mixed with next item
2 Tbsp Fig Balsamic Dressing
While that simmers, rip up into bite size pieces:
1+ cups kale (ie 1 packed cup)
Add the kale, cover and continue to simmer for 2-5 minutes
Uncover, mix up and
Rated a
4.5 on the Kale Scale.