Brussel sprouts are still a vegetable that have yet to get on my "favorites" list. But, they are supposed to be good for you, so I've decided to keep at it until I find a recipe that works. The rating on this Kale Recipe is a bit lower than others, only because of the brussel sprouts. It qualifies as another Keep It Simple recipe - actually could be a top star for simplicity.
2 tsp coconut oil

3 brussel sprouts, all cut up into small pieces.
1 tsp black pepper, ground
Add and mix in
2 Tbsp slivered almonds, toasted
Add, cover, wilt kale as desired:
1 cup kale, cut or ripped into bite size pieces
3 tsp white wine
Mix it all up and serve.
Rated a
4.18 on the Kale Scale.