Saturday, January 7, 2012

Mid-East Couscous Kale

Leftovers week. I found a 1.5 cups of Mid-East Couscous in the freezer (something I made a couple months ago), and put it with about 1.25 cups of Kale.  Another hand crafted fast food meal!

Microwave defrost and heat:
1.5 cups Mid-East Couscous (includes raisins, apricots, dates, walnuts, yam, chickpeas, onion, olive oil, chicken broth, garlic, water, carrot and couscous).

Add, heat til wilted:
1.25 cups of Kale

Serve with:
1/4 cup non-fat greek yogurt, plain

Rated a 4.6 on the Kale Scale.