Saturday, January 7, 2012

Curry Chickpea Stew Laced With Kale

Another leftover used this week. From the freezer, I pulled this bag of Curry Chickpea Stew. Thawed it and added 1.25 cups ripped up Kale.

Curry Chickpea Stew - this recipe is for 4 servings. Nutrition info is for 1 serving.
1 tbsp     Olive oil
2 cup      Onion, chopped
1 tbsp     Ginger root, peeled, shredded
1 tsp       Cumin, ground
1 tsp       Coriander seed
3/4 tsp    Turmeric, ground
1/2 tsp     Red chili pepper, ground
4 clove    Garlic, raw
1 tbsp      Cardamom, ground - calls for 3 cardamon pods - they are really good!
1 tsp        Cinnamon, ground
2.5 cup    Water
1 cup       Carrot, diced
1/4 tsp     Salt
15 oz       Chickpeas, canned (garbanzo)
14.5 oz    Tomato, diced, no added salt, fire roasted, canned
2 oz         Greek yogurt

Defrost, and heat:
1 serving of the Stew

Add, heat and wilt:
1.25 cups of ripped up kale

Serve with
1/4 cup non-fat greek yogurt

Rated at 4.6 on the Kale Scale.