Sunday, August 9, 2015

Kale with Dressed Garbanzo Beans and Peach

This was an odd combination to start with, but ended up being pretty tasty!  I had made "Lemony Garbanzo Beans" earlier in the day with a recipe from the Nutrition Action Health Newsletter. This recipe I will present first and then the kale salad.

Lemony Garbanzo Beans
  • Make the dressing with 2 Tbsp Lemon Juice, 2 Tbsp Tahini, and 2 Tbsp plain non-fat yogurt.
    • Add herbs of your choosing. I used 2 tsp fresh chopped chives.
    • The actual recipe called for 2 Tbsp of olive oil, but I left that out.
  • Mix the dressing with a drained 15 oz can Garbanzo Beans
  • Makes 3 servings
 Kale Salad with Dressed Garbanzo Beans and Peach
  • Mix together in a big bowl and then serve:
  • Top with 2 Tbsp of chopped fine toasted, no salt almonds 

 Rated a 4.59 on the Kale Scale.