Monday, December 26, 2011

Eggplant Curry on a Bed of Kale

I've never cooked eggplant for dinner before. Yes, I've cooked up babaganouj as a dip - delicious. Yes, I've eaten eggplant dishes in Egypt and Turkey - very yummy.So tonight, after having this eggplant sitting on my counter for a week, staring at me, I decided to just do it. Using as a guide, a recipe from The New Moosewood Cookbook. The recipe called for 2 eggplants; and served on a bed of rice. I opted to serve on a bed of kale, instead. I started eating, I told myself to imagine I was in another country, but as I took a couple bites, I realized, the end result was very good, even in my own kitchen!

This recipe makes 2 SERVINGS. The nutrition info is for 1 SERVING.

Saute until seeds start to brown a bit:
1 tbsp Olive oil
1 tbsp Sesame seed

Add, and continue saute until onions are translucent:
1/3 large Onion, chopped up
1/4 tsp Cayenne pepper, ground
1 tsp Cumin, ground
2 tbsp Mustard, prepared, spicy brown
1/2 tsp Turmeric, ground
1 tsp Curry powder

Add, cover and simmer. Stir occassionally. Add more water, if needed. Cook until the eggplant is sort of translucent, soft, melding with rest of ingredients:
3/4 Eggplant, raw, unpeeled, cut into 1 inch cubes
1 tbsp Vinegar, balsamic
1 fl oz Wine, white table
2/3 cup Water
1/2 tsp Salt
3/4 Cup frozen peas and carrots

Put each serving on:
1 cup Kale, each leave cut down the spine, and then cut into thin slices perpendicular to the spine.

Rated a 4.69 on the Kale Scale.