A couple of ways to supplement RTE meals with kale when doing some lite traveling. All very delicious, and simple.
Madras Lentils - Tasty Bites.
Microwave the lentils in their pouch. Steam 1+cup kale in m-wave. Pour lentils atop the kale. Enjoy!
Amy's Kitchen - Mexicana Casserole Bowl

Heat Casserole Bowl in m-wave. Steam 1+ cup kale in m-wave on paper plate. Serve casserole on top of kale. Enjoy!

Soupman's Lentil Soup (yes Soupman from Seinfeld, who knew you could get that at Safeway? No soup for you!).

Very tasty! Steam 1+ cup of kale in m-wave; heat the soup. Top the soup with kale a bit at a time until both are gone. Won't be too long, this is very good soup!
Blockhouse Cafe Split Pea Soup

No calorie count on this one - I am sure it is the lo-cal version! Arrived home from travels, and proceeded to do yardwork all afternoon, I found that the Cafe had soup today ... but they were just closed when I found out. I gave a call, and lo and behold, they were still there, soup was still hot. I ran over and got some. Steamed 1+ cup kale and added it to the soup. Yum!