Sunday, October 27, 2013

Mashed Squash with Shiba's Popping Seeds

Shiba's Popping Seeds formed the basis for my experiment to night. This new spice is something I picked up at the grocery store this week. The seeds are a mix of cumin seeds, fenugreek seeds, bishop seeds, nigella seeds, fennel, dill seeds.  This was a great mashed side dish!

Saute til seeds' aroma is wafting
2 tsp olive oil
1 tsp Popping Seeds

Add and continue til almost done
1/3 cup onion, chopped
1 brussel sprout, chopped
1 fingerling potato, sliced fine
1/4 cup fennel bulb, chopped

Add and mash
3/4 cup acorn squash, pre-cooked (using one I cooked up this weekend)
1/3 cup soy milk

Add, mix everything up and continue simmer, lower heat
1 oz white wine
1 Tbsp fig balsamic vinegar
1/4 tsp turmeric ground

Steam in microwave
1+ cup kale, ripped to bite size pieces

Add kale to the Popping Seeds mix, and stir it all up.

Serve and enjoy!

Rated a 4.77 on the Kale Scale

Friday, October 25, 2013

Squash and Pear Hash on Kale

Looking around for what to do with acorn squash and a pear plus, or course, kale. Decided to create a fruit and veggie hash. It was delicious!

Microwave til done
1 acorn squash.  Cut in half, scoop out seeds. Only using 1/2 so set the rest aside.

Saute til onion is limp
1/3 cup onion, chopped up
1.5 tsp olive oil

Add and continue saute
1 pear, asian, cored, chopped fine (peel left on)
1/2 tsp black pepper
1/4 tsp tumeric
1/4 tsp nutmeg

Simmer with

1 oz white wine
1 Tbsp fig balsamic vinegar
1 tsp sesame seeds

Add, mix up and heat through
2 fake sausage patties, cut up
1/2 cooked acorn squash - scoop out by spoonful and add to pan

Steam till wilted, about 2 minutes
1+ cup kale, ripped to bite size pieces

Assemble on dinner plate
Steamed kale topped with the squash and pear hash mixture
10 green olives, halved (castelvetrano olives)

 Rated a 4.78 on the Kale Scale

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Kale on the go ....

A couple of ways to supplement RTE meals with kale when doing some lite traveling.  All very delicious, and simple.

1.  Madras Lentils - Tasty Bites.
 Microwave the lentils in their pouch. Steam 1+cup kale in m-wave. Pour lentils atop the kale. Enjoy!

2.  Amy's Kitchen - Mexicana Casserole Bowl
Heat Casserole Bowl in m-wave. Steam 1+ cup kale in  m-wave on paper plate. Serve casserole on top of kale. Enjoy!

3.  Soupman's Lentil Soup (yes Soupman from Seinfeld, who knew you could get that at Safeway? No soup for you!).
Very tasty!  Steam 1+ cup of kale in m-wave; heat the soup. Top the soup with kale a bit at a time until both are gone. Won't be too long, this is very good soup!

4. Blockhouse Cafe Split Pea Soup
No calorie count on this one - I am sure it is the lo-cal version!  Arrived home from travels, and proceeded to do yardwork all afternoon, I found that the Cafe had soup today ... but they were just closed when I found out. I gave a call, and lo and behold, they were still there, soup was still hot. I ran over and got some. Steamed 1+ cup kale and added it to the soup. Yum!